Thursday, December 31, 2009

Our Christmas Holiday - 2009

My blogging went on a temporary hiatus as I lost my camera about a month back and had no way to put pics with Roman's random antics. Luckily, hubby saved the day with a new camera for Christmas - and a beaut at that! My Panasonic Lumix was the perfect gift to get me back on my p's and q's for 2010. (Does anyone know what that exactly means, anyway? P's and Q's, and why I should want to be on them? Oh well, I digress....

The big gift this year was definitely going to have to be something with trains, as my previous post eluded to Roman's new obsession with all things Thomas being almost more intense than his previous love of airplanes (though no mutually exclusive, of course). So we found a great Thomas the Train set called "Thomas and the Airport". It included trains, but also a helicopter pad, airplane runway, and even firetruck and ambulance. We figured that would hold him til he could decide whether he'd be a conductor or aviator.

After the train tracks were spotted, we opened a few more gifts (mainly trains for the set) and spent the morning playing with trains. By noon, Grandma Pat and Uncle John had shown up and round two of the gifts were done.
As he has for the last few years,
Maurice's Uncle John came down for a visit this Christmas and spent the better part of a week. Roman and Uncle John hit it off well, and the two were laughing in stitches in no time. Grandma followed the Thomas theme with books and pajamas and even a Thomas sheet set, all of which were a hit. The book became an instant classic which she had to read to him countless times before his nap.

And Nana and Da scored big with videos of Roman's fave show WordWorld. If you have little ones and have not yet gotten a glimpse of this PBS show, its well worth a look. I don't proport that all TV is okay for kids, but this one gets it right in my book. Its his 30min a day guilty pleasure. (Unless he's at Nana's, in which case he can guilt her into any amount of time he wants!)
Granny Ann knew the best way to Roman's heart was with his fave thing next to Thomas....letters. She got him these great letter puzzles, which he quickly devoured. (And unfortunately, quickly lost some letters to. Good thing she got two of each!

But the gift of the night came from Auntie Rhonda and Charles IV, who sent Roman a mat made of capital letters. If you have not yet seen my son's obsession with letters, words and pretty much anything of spelling, you won't get how excited he was. And I wish I had caught his reaction on tape. But the pics are worth a thousand words anyway.
After gifts, Roman took an nap and the ladies retired to the kitchen to start dinner. The menu wasn't intense, but it was filling. Roasted Cornish Hens, Caramelized Butternut Squash, Brussel Sprouts w Pancetta, Horseradish Scallopped Potatoes, Bacon wrapped Green Beans and Garlic Rolls. The food coma was almost immediate....but we did hold off long enough for Key Lime Pie and Carrot Cake :)

It was a rare occasion to have my Grandmother travel to Atlanta and made all the more special by having her on hand to see her Great Grandson open his gifts. After dinner, we took some pics to commemorate the event and everyone dispersed.

That next afternoon, we traveled to Conyers to Nana's house to see everyone again and get more time with Granny Ann. Roman stayed with them while Uncle John, Maurice and I went to see Up in the Air w/George Clooney (highly recommend, BTW). After we got back, Roman took a few more pics with Granny before she left the following day.

Getting a little stir-crazy and feeling the first temperatures above 40 degrees (and with Mama wanting to try out her new camera outdoors), we ventured to the park by our house to get some fresh air. This is our favorite park bc its usually pretty empty in the afternoon's when the kids leave from school, and they have playgrounds for each age range, so he can be the master of his domain. We hung out and Mama got to try her new camera angles, though I resigned myself to realizing that I still need PictureMommy to get great shots. Oh well....I can get there one day.
While I was glancing at these pictures and preparing this upload, I watched some of last year's videos and looked at pictures from his first Christmas and realized just how quickly time flies. And how fragile and delicate moments in life can be. I love the holidays, especially Christmas, if for no other reason than it presents to us a great opportunity to reflect, refresh and recommit our lives. In putting my little one to bed this Christmas season, each night I thanked God for the greatest gift He could have ever given me, and asked that he afford me another day to see His glory in this earth. I hope he does the same for you this Christmas season and blesses you with joy unspeakable joy in 2010. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all!

With love from the Bosticks!

1 comment:

EJ said...

Love this!!! Miss Ann is looking damn good! What is she eating/drinking down there? I otta send him something -- maybe Christmas in February when I come down there and things are better. Love y'all. Happy Merry Holidays (again ;)