Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Snow Days

This one will be a quickie – just like the event it talks about.

This weekend, Roman had his first taste of snow. The snow storm that blanketed the East Coast was gracious enough to give Georgia a show for a few hours and a few inches. When Roman woke up from a nap, we opened the window so he could do his “neighborhood watch” with some new *temporary* scenery. As you can see from his expression, he wasn't sure what to make of it. Heck, we weren't quite sure ourselves. I mean, who sees this much snowfall MARCH no less!

But after a while, he was excited and wanted to get at whatever was falling from the sky:
So you’d think that, after a showing like that, he’d be all over a romp in the snow. Daddy convinced me to let him go out back for just a minute despite the fact that he is still nursing a cold/ear infection. Eventually I acquiesed - but note the look of confusion when I did. I kept the others off bc he looked even more annoyed. A quick trip on the back deck revealed to Roman that snow is way more fun to look at than to be in. Lesson learned!

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